Remnants Aflame

Every contagious strand must be wiped away,
Located and declared completely absent.
A national vaccination is underway, to eliminate the presence of infestation.

The presence of infestation must be eliminated at any price.

Purging a curse which they created to coercively transform the populous into slaves, the final goal is to depopulate, and a murderous cleansation process begins.

Immersed in filth, single file and blind-folded, the infected are imprisoned in awaitance of death.
Instantaneous as contamination, they are viciously slain by a barrage of ammunition.

Casualties quickly accumulate,
Casualties quickly accumulating.

Each blood-soaked corpse is gutted.
Innards disgorged, scraped barren for experimentation.
Empty and left for a massive stockpile to form, the rotted corpses are torched.
Bodies carefully cast aflame until the soil is littered with the steaming white ash of their remains

Writer(s): Dean Alan Jones, Adam Warren, Daniel Terchin, Nick Cons
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