Carnival Audio Excerpt_3

Well, in my personal life
I'm just-, I just hang out by myself
Really, you know like I just crawl inside myself
And fight with the demons inside
I don't really because I don't-, you know
My life is just a way or it's more intense
So I stay sometimes when it's hard
So I just-, I don't quite fit into life very well

So to them, I'm at war with the world
I get a ride, do what I wanna do
I don't work, that's-, that's another promise inside you
What they want you to do is
In the time, to get out of school
It's like, get a job, get a car, get a partner
Buy this, buy that, get yourself so far in debt that you can't ever get out

Dig yourself a hole, bury yourself
In that way, we could dictate you
Because you can't do anything about it
You got so many fucking bills
You can't go anywhere, we can't get out
And I can't do that
I-I-, everything I got fits in a suitcase

I could pick up and go, send a message
Call me 'til I need you here
Six o'clock in the morning, I wanna be there, I'll be there
No, no bills, no ties, no jobs, nothing

Writer(s): Gg Allin
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