Pueblo Mundial

Hoy me voy de nuevo
Me gusta viajar
Con todo lo que llevo
Me gusta encontrar
Naciones valiosas
Historias de valor
Personas muy preciosas
Y culturas de color

Aunque estamos juntos
Ya no te hablo más
Estoy solo y perdido
En este loco siglo

Pueblo mundial
Always on the move
Looking for a new horizon
Pueblo global
Dancing to the groove
Of a world so mesmerising
Pueblo mundial
Seven billion strong
And numbers keep on rising
Pueblo global
Seven billion songs
More than I can ever sing

Mira como muevo
Me gusta exagerar
Bien cansado vuelvo
Me gusta celebrar
Me siento tan contento
Pero hay que regresar
Por donde sopla el Viento
Y por donde corre el mar

United in one song
I'll hear you
I'll see you
One family
Where we all belongHere I go again today
I love to travel
With all that I take with me
I like to find myself in
brave nations,
stories of valour
Beautiful people
and colourful cultures

And even though we're together
I barely talk to you
I'm alone and lost
In this craze century

World village
Looking for a new horizon
Global village
Dancing to the groove
Of a world so mesmerising
World village
Seven billion strong
And numbers keep on rising
Global village
Seven billion songs
More than I can ever sing

Look at how I move
I love to exagerate
I return nice and tired
I love to celebrate life
I feel so happy
but have to leave
To where the wind blows me
and where the sea runs

Writer(s): Lee Ann Vermeulen, Johan Smelt, Elbert Smelt, Niek Smelt, Bert Bos
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
