Mutiny on the Monotony

Now here this, there's gonna be
Mutiny on the monotony
If I don't get more liberty
There's gonna be a mutiny

When we first met, I took a chance
For a pleasure cruise on the sea of romance
But ever since you've become my bride
I've had a feeling that I got shanghaied

'Cause all you ever do is fight and fuss
And babe, that's getting monotonous
I'll be the captain, bring you joy
But I won't be your cabin boy

You better pass the word from stem to stern
There's gonna be a bridge to burn
You better shape up, or there's gonna be
Mutiny on the monotony

There's a little island in the southern seas
Where the grass skirts wiggle 'neath the coconut trees
So, all you gotta do is get mad and pout
And this old salt will be shipping out

And, before you could get me into court
I'd pull up anchor and leave this port
You better heed to no argument
We're gonna deep-six your temperament

You're welcome aboard, but now hear this
You better come running when I want a kiss
No back talk aboard this craft
A clean sweepdown both fore and aft

If things keep going at this rate
I'm gonna get me a new first mate
You better shape up, or there's gonna be
Mutiny on the monotony

Writer(s): Hank Thompson, Will Penix
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