Beauty And The Beast

The story of Beauty and the Beast

There was once a rich man who had three daughters
He was very fond of them and gave them all the
toys they wanted when they were little
And the lovely clothes and jewels when they were growing up

But the two eldest girls were spoiled
And never satisfied with any of his lovely gifts

The youngest daughter, who was called Beauty was quite different
she was happy and good
And never asked him for anything
So although he loved all three
The rich man, could not help loving Beauty the best of all

She had long, golden curls,
Skin like a pink rose bird
And a voice as sweet as a nigthingale

Now and then the father had to leave home
And he would always bring back a present for each of his daughters
So, one day, as he was setting off he said to them:
"What would you like me to bring you this time?"
The eldest girl claped her hands and said
"A pearl necklace for me, but it must be a long one with a silver clasp"

The next one hugged her father and said
"You know I've always wanted a gold bracelet, father"

Then Beauty kissed her father and said,
"Father, all I want is for you to come home safely"

And both of her sisters laughed,
"But, I must bring you somethig"
Said the father
"Then bring me a rose, I should like that very much", said Beauty.

And her sisters laughed again an thought
How silly she was not to ask for something better

All went well, until it was time for the rich man to return,
He had bought the gold necklace, and the golden bracelet the two eldest girls had asked for.

And thought to himself "I will leave the rose until I am nearly home so that it will be fresh and sweet"

But as he traveled along, he was caught in a terrible storm, it grew so dark that he lost his way and at last find himself outside a big house.

Here, he took shelter under some trees
"Come inside", called a voice.
He could se no one but the door was open
And he was glad to go in out of the rain

Inside the house, he found eveything was of the richest and there was a table laid with a splendid meal
"Help yourself," said the voice
"you may not see me because I do not wish it but I shall be gald if you would stay here as long as you like"

"That is very kind", thought the father
And he was glad to stay the night in this grand house, even though he could see no one.

In the morning, when it was time for him to go, he looked again for someone to speak to, but there was nobody inside.
"Then I must go without giving thanks", he thought.

It was not until he had reached the gates, that the father rembered his promise to his youngest daughter, and then, as fine roses were growing there, he reached out and picked one perfect bud to take home to her.

At once a most terrible cry filled the air, the father looked up in a?? and saw in front of him the most hideous man imaginable
This creature, who had the body of a man but the head of a fearful beast took him by the arm and shouted: "How dare you rob me? I gave you the best I had, and you are still not content. You must even take my flowers"

He would not let go until the poor father had promised to give the beast anything in the world he asked for.
"You shall give me the very first thing you set your eyes on when you reach home", shouted the beast in rage.

"Very well, I will do that, if I may still take the rose" agreed the father.
And all the way home he thought to himself "It will be alright, I know it will be alright, one of the dogs is sure to rush out to meet me, and I can give the beast that".

But he was so wrong, for as soon as Beauty, who was watching courtside of him, she rushed out to kiss him.

"Have you brought my necklace?" Called the eldest girl.
"And have you brought my bracelet?" demanded the other
But beauty only thanked him sweetly for the rose, and led him indoors.
The poor father thought how terrible it was, that the kindest of his three girls, should be given away to the beast
But there was no hope for it, when he told Beauty about it she only said "It cannot be such a terrible beast, I will go with you gladly father, since he showed you such kindness"

When Beauty and her father reached the grand house the Beast came out to meet them, and for a moment she felt like running away as fast as she could, but as soon as the Beast spoke and Beauty heard his kind voice, she turned to her father and implored him to go back her sisters adn tell them that all would be well.

Beauty now had everything of the finest, and the Beast brought her lovely jewels and clothes of silk and satin.

All day long she had nothing to do but enjoy herself.
But, though Beauty was very afraid of the Beast

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