Trailer Love

Dwayne's had enough
Oh baby
Dwayne's had enough
Enough of your chickens chasin his Z28 down the gravel driveway
Dwayne's had enough
Of your camoflauge panties lying on that mildew, shag carpet in your bathroom
Dwayne's had enough
Of your Dale Jr. posters staring at him while he's making love
Dwayn'es had enough
Of that burn mark on your leg you got off the exhaust pipe of that truck when we went to panama city to make your court date
Oh baby
Dwayne's had enough trailer love
Dwayne's had enough trailer love
All those winters with no propane
proved to be way too much for Dwayne
Dwayne's had enough
The smell of peroxide that would hold him for two lifetimes which has turned his nose hair the same color as Billy Idol's
Dwayne's had enough
Of those edible panties that taste like venison
Dwayne's had enough
of that Ron Popeil curling iron that's been frying your hair to a crisp like you've been sprayin too much Aqua Net around a gas grill
Oh baby
Dwayne's had enough trailer love
Dwayne's had enough trailer love
His thermal underwear's all that remains
'Cause your place ain't big enough for Dwayne
But, you know baby, I don't really mind trailers, Oh, maybe I should be the one rubbing my fingers across your Def Leppard tattoo
That full body one that you're so proud of
Past the mic stand over by the guy with one arm
Rub my fingers through your brown hair that's the same color as that 30 year old panel in you're living room
Your lips as red as the clay on that dirt track next to your stepdaddy's house
I hate to go anywhere Dwayne's been
But I might just take up with Dwayne's old girlfriend
We might find a new job
Find some lady that would babsit your kids so we could get in your Torino and go somewhere besides a Super Walmart
Maybe do a drive-in movie somewhere where I could take your clothes off and lay you across that Torino hood
And Dwayne would probably show up with a tire iron and try to beat our skulls in
Oh baby

Writer(s): Danny Simpson, Timothy Wilson
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