World of Pain

Born into this word
I cam with a scream
Give life by the act of two others
Trying to escape the own misery

And though they gave me love
The couldn't hide reality
Soon it reared it's ugly head
And everyday it battered me

Trapped in this word of pain
Waiting for the end
Counting my days
In this word of pain

Born with two eyes to see
And with the curse of empathy
Day after day
This cruel word cut into me

And stiil to this day
I continue to bleed
Adding layer upon layer
To scars that run so deep

Trapped in this word of pain
Waiting for the end
Counting my days
In this word of pain

so many others feel the same
We're all just trying too find our way
Some sooting junk
Their lives go slowly down the drain
Some end it all
Wit a razor to their veins

Some turn to God
They kneel and pray
Others try to fight for good
In their own way

But we're all in it just the same
All just prisoners im this
World of pain

Looking to ease my sorrow
Like my parents did
I do the same
Seeking comfort in
The arms of another
Te whole process begins again
Inevitably another child
I will create
And at that moment of release
I seal their fate to be

Trapped in this word of pain
Waiting for the end
Counting my days
In this word of pain

Writer(s): Unaffiliated Writer #3, Darius Peter Rustam, Kenny Gioia
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