The Haste to the Pyre

In the end of it all there's no chance of being
Another you or me, still we're trying
To be so different from all, we forget ourselves
Our closest, my friend, we are slipping away

Before the end
There is so much at stake
In the future's aim
The things we hold close we're giving away
To time and its pace

Bleeding from the heart and soul
Leaving nothing in our bowls
Searching answers south to north
The compass only points at gold

In the light of the sun there's no certainty
That burning fire will stay
Before the end
There is too much at stake
For us to throw it away
The things we hold close we're giving away
To time and its haste

Bleeding from the heart and soul
Leaving photos in our homes
Searching answers south to north
The compass only points at gold

When you see them go, them leaving this world
You'll realize how much you've lost

Only in dreams you see them
But your tongue won't let you
Speak out your mind or whatever's on you
You fall

You fall back in
Into the sky of ours
Down to earth, our home
Where the living are born in darkness

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