The Shepherd of My Soul (feat. Heather Prusse)

Who is this Jesus, whose voice the winds obey?
What manner of Man is this?
Who with a word can calm the angry seas
And still the tempest in my breast?

Who is this Man who opens sightless eyes
And gives my longing spirit light?
At whose command the multitude is fed?
Who fills me with the bread of life?

He is my Shepherd; He calls me by my name
And bids me rest safe within His fold
And I will stand as witness of His everlasting love
My Lord, my God; the Shepherd of my soul

Who is this Jesus the world has set at naught?
This Healer whose pow'r I know?
At whose command the lame rise up and walk?
Whose mighty hand has made me whole?

Who is this Man who seeks me when I stray?
Who hears my every anguished cry?
Who bears my grief, who suffers all my pain
And returns to me unmeasured joy?

He is my Shepherd; He calls me by my name
And bids me rest safe within His fold
And I will stand as witness of His everlasting love
My Lord, my God; the Shepherd of my soul

Writer(s): Sally Deford
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