Day Remains Golden

Morning brings a verse rehearsed and settles it upon my lips,
'every shadow cast is an eclipse.'

Evening sun – a conflagration – vitiating all desire
for another sent to tend the fire.

Yellow moon, you'll find me slightly shaken at the memory of
one who held me tightly; might she still?

As if to let me know she'd never dream of letting go?
As that illusion fades, her innocence is all I take.

So please forget my callous heart ignored
your claw marks on the door and your paw so full of splinters
And please forgive my leaving you forlorn;
I knew I couldn't keep you warm through winter

'cause fair and square I won the body of the man you'd chosen
and now the blood that frolicked through his veins
is damn near frozen.

Attenuated memory is
a bee sting beneath a comfrey poultice.
A photograph in sepia
of the foxglove blooms in the springtime,
two little wings suspending
a hummingbird.

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