All Fire

The gentle fragrance
Distant smoke out in the night sky

We rise
And move in number to the fray

From word to deed we speak of Rome
From an echo immune to the tune of the rage
Come of age

With shaking hands
We build our fire
We build our fire
We build our fire

The embers glowing
Telling tales around the bonfire

We dance
Consumed in fury clean and pure

A righteous blaze to tame the field
As order in flashes from ashes to dust
So we must

Sleep well tonight
Your house on fire
Your house on fire
Your house on fire

Come one, come all
Witness the rise and fall

Revel in the ashes
That fall like winter snow

Come one, come all
Witness the rise and fall

From the ivory tower
As above and so below

The noble savage
Pound the drum and let the sparks fly

We burn bright
And raze your hollow temples down

We are your tired and your poor
Your huddled masses at the door
Who yearn no more

We breathe free tonight
Your world on fire
Your world on fire
Your world on fire

Your world on fire
Your world on fire

Writer(s): William Faith
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