Red River Blues (Take 2)

The Red River flows like dago wine
The Red River flows like dago wine
A mystery 'bout it, that stays on my mind

I'm going to that river, going just for fun
I'm going to that river, going just for fun
I'm going to do something I ain't never done

I've been done so dirty, treated so doggone mean
I've been done so dirty, treated so doggone mean
I've been 'cused of things I ain't never seen

I wish I knew how much life was mine
I wish I knew how much life was mine
I'd steal away, live down by the Rhine

I'm going away, worry you off my mind
I'm going away, worry you off my mind
I refuse to stay with the mistreating kind

The blues is a Jonah, you say what you choose
Oh, blues is a Jonah, say what you choose
They sure gonna kill you, these Red River Blues

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