Friday Night at the Whittingham

On one stormy friday night
I looked at the pills inside my hand

And i thought how about
Not putting them in my mouth
Thats when all the fun began

I felt it rushing over me a sudden
Serch of energy as if some sicknes washed away

Suddenly more alive then i have felt in quite a while i just knew this would be one beautiful day

The nurse came in to see how i was doing a pretty young girl with long brown hair

I hit her on the head and hid her underneath the bed and i merely walked on out of there

Right outside the cell i heard a terrifying yell as the warrant came at me with a taser in his hand

i do not remember if i strangle or dismembered him but he will never dance again

Tonight im walking out that doore and you won't see me coming back around here no more
Thats me on the tv screen but they'll never catch me

Tonight im walking out that doore and you won't see me coming back around here no more
Thats me on the tv screen but they'll never catch me
No they'll never catch me

With the warrant and his keys i could get around with ease so i went to see the guy who cooked our pills

Iv'e bern known to be quite the prodigy in chemestry and gladly i displayed my skills

I feed him methamfetamin some ederal and and efedrine i think the guy got quite high that day

But he screamed like a child when i drowned him in formaldehyde and all his skinn was burnt away

I was really glad to see the head of security cause i would need his help accomplishing my plan

I asked him really nice if i could borrow one of his eyes why this upset him i will never understand

Flew into a frenzy swinging his batton at me and seemed quite keen on terring me apart

he wasent being nice so i took out a
butter knife and placed it softly in his heart

Tonight im walking out that doore and you won't see me coming back around here no more
Thats me on the tv screen but they'll never catch me

Tonight im walking out that doore and you won't see me coming back around here no more
Thats me on the tv screen but they'll never catch me
No they'll catch me

I wasent stoped by any retinal scan
carring the head of security in my hand

i was just one doore away from getting outside

but i just had to say
one last goodbye

I went to see the old physician
I could find his office by following the sound

he was a jazzman who used to have a brassband with musical and medical instruments all around

I kicked the doore inn and politely greated him sir it's time for your physical exam

In the code of ethics theres no need for anesthetics and it worked like a child when the sergery began

My father tought me how to fix stuff
first you take the thing apart

he looked a bit unmedable but quite reasemblebal but when i was done he looked like funny pice of art
His ancle dont connect to his wristbone a saxophone jamed in to his ear

A heavy stone connected to his jawbone and a trombone stickin out his rear

Tonight im walking out that doore and you won't see me coming back around here no more
Thats me on the tv screen but they'll never catch me


Writer(s): Arne Wormdal
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