Welcome to My Dream

Follow the watch with your eyes...
You are getting sleepy... sleepy... sleepy

Welcome to my dream, where we can feel free, we can feel so free.
Welcome to my dream, where we can go be, we can just go be.

Now that I got you under,
Let me tell about my dream and all these things that I wonder.
It started out in the garden of Eden,
Looking at the core of the fruit already eaten.
Then I took it back to few moments before,
Picked the fruit before Eve and threw it in the water.
Now we're set free and sin free,
Can you imagine how life would be? Now let's see.
Maybe, we could all be a stranger to pain,
Nobody would have to struggle ever again.
And heaven would be the only thing that compares,
But we're living on earth and still sending up prayers.
And most of 'em do get answered,
Everybody has food nobody has cancer.
Everybody in good health, nobody has AIDS,
And everybody lives 'til they die from old age.

In my dream love lasted forever,
There'd be no break ups and we would last together.
In my dream, we always had gas in the car,
The prices stayed cheap 'cause there'd be more.
In my dream, there was no such thing as poverty,
We all had money and a piece of property.
And in my dream, the youth had more fathers
Who made men out of their sons, queens out of their daughters.
There was no such thing as war,
We could travel the world without needing passports.
Everybody had a job that they love, no one strung out on drugs,
And doing right with their life just because.
Nobody diseased or teen pregnancy,
Domestic violence was non-existing.
And in my dreams, I couldn't see my loved ones that passed,
But I could hear 'em talk and laugh. In my dream.

In my dream they never bombed my city,
Those 168 were still living still giving (giving love).
They didn't attack my country up North,
Those families didn't mourn and we still felt secure (like before).
And in the South, the floods never came,
Nobody uprooted 'cause the levees didn't break.
And man, nobody tripped on what your race was,
There was so much peace and love (I saw it).
People looked you in the eyes, never told lies,
And we never took for granted a sunrise.
We gave thanks for the new day and bread we break,
Wish I could stay here for ever, but I must awake.

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