
Biological intruder secluded, torn away
Awaiting rebirth, frozen - no decay

Upon this earth a new species is spawned
Conjoined monstrosity, an abomination reborn
Pulled into its grasp, you shall not be heard
Replication, imposition
Tissue liquefied and repurposed
Humanity removed

A veil of human skin - its putrid guise, time to feed
An unfortunate discovery, a vile, repulsive seed

Cast upon this earth to conceive a new breed
One without free will, without instinct
Shaped in our image to spread like a disease
A vile, repulsive seed, no hope for recovery

Exterminate the interloper
Scorch the earth, destroy the growth
Eradicate the clandestine reaver

Flesh burned to ash
Writhing, sweltering, immolation
Death comes to pass
Writhing, sweltering, devastation
Flesh burned to ash
Writhing, sweltering, immolation
Death comes to pass
Writhing, sweltering, devastation

Spiked appendages writhe - bonding with flesh
Mutated defenses improvising, forming new bone
Genetic reconstruction of mortal man
This deception rivaling creation itself

Upon this earth a new species is spawned
Conjoined monstrosity
An abomination reborn
Pulled into its grasp, you shall not be heard
Replication, imposition
Tissue liquefied and repurposed
Humanity removed

Writer(s): Eric William Brown
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