
Time's running out.
Hold onto this moment,
Cause you're never gonna get it back.
I Hope you had the time of your life.

Now, What would you do with your time if you knew
you were gonna die in one day?
Would you jump through the hoops of your life with a boost,
or would you deny and complain
Would you run to the roof, suicidal and blue,
as if you were deciding your fate/
or better yet, now would you cut to the truth - you'd get as stupid as you could
all before you expired - no shame.
(Time's running out). Hold on to this moment,
Cause you're never gonna get it back.
And the time slides right by us and with a silence
without the slightest hint of a pitter pat
It'll be fickle and shift on you, unpredictable, ticking fast when getting laughs
or it can drag when shit is bad
The future's in my grasp, hmph, there it goes,
Now everything I was saying a second ago is in the past/
So we live with that.
Which tense, can you feel tension
Wait for it... in the 4th dimension
Ain't no one getting over - The relentless
Pace forward is out of order with your senses
Take notice - not a time out/
So I hide every clock in my house/
I don't wanna be reminded of my anxiety that when I'm idle
I'm wasting away while I count... down/
Waiting for a clean slate,
For pete's sake! Lonely, waiting a dream date. High brow.
Ain't no way to replace your mistakes
No matter how good a replay, might sound
Ain't no fucking freeze-frame to see straight,
Waiting for the stars to align, or a plausible sign
or a law to be signed, As it all swishes by
Cause really, the only right - is right now.

Hold onto this moment,
cause you're never gonna get it back
And as each one passes, it adds baggage
you gotta drag into the next, till you quit or collapse,
Bit of romance in the concept of living fast
No sitting stagnant, ya stop and then it's your ass
So we get attached to the madness of being frantic
Until we crash into walls that were built to last - And it's tragic.
Niggas say give it time, but they're spending mine while they give advice,
Luckily, I'm wise - it was set aside,
The simple take is that we're dashing within our prime/
Then disintegrating into ash by the finish line
2 minutes in, 11 seconds gone,
You can feel the ticks burrowed in your bones
And they're thoroughly devoted to murder while they're serving you notice
The borrowing is over and tomorrow isn't owed.
But I feel it in the bottom of my soul
I don't wanna die and yo - that's all I really know
I could live forever, but my body's getting old/
God made a promise, but his clock his hella slow/
Holding your breath brings you closer to death
It's the loneliest lesson you grow to detest
And this whole bit of flesh is a linear experience,
except of course, within the mind where the Delorean is kept
And I floor it... cause I... wanna... hold it...
stretch this... out for... all that's... left/
before it... runs out.I'ma.own it...
With any doubts or small regrets
We're born at the entrance to the passage of time
A form that's defenseless to its savage design
We morph as we trek it/
Until the reaper escorts us to the exit - molted and breathless

Once upon a time - I learned that time is life,
And procrastination was theft
So, if time is money, then you gonna serve time,
When the time comes, life will pay for this debt/
Cause when time flies, bet it's first class,
And the time line of credit burns fast,
So it's high time, that you learn to manage it
and in the interest of saving time/
Two-timing, you'll find is your worst habit/
Cause it's about time that I faced the music
Because the way that I kill time is abusive
And time and again, I get by on a whim
I'm behind at halftime, and then right at the end is when I'm buying a win/
They tell me time is a snitch, but only time will tell
If telling time will you keep you outta the cell/
Time flies and it heals all wounds it's an angel,
That'll strangle you while it saves you. - Times up! - I'm grateful.

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