Arise and Go

Minutes turn to hours
And days to years
No voice on the wind
To calm my fears
But now you've returned
Right here by my side
The wicked will run
Nowhere to hide

Now I have hope
And I have faith
In the power of your name

I'll arise and go
The day is here
My mission before me
My purpose clear
In you I trust
In strength I grow
Arise, arise, arise
And go

I knew deep within
That you'd return
For all that you promised
My heart did yearn
My future before me
Now I can see
All that you have
In store for me

I'll be your hand
I'll be your voice
Let the chosen now rejoice

Arise and go
The day is here
My mission before me
My purpose clear
In victory I trust
In strength I grow
Arise, arise, arise
And go

Arise to greet this glorious day
Arise my Lord commands
Arise to see my enemies flee
Arise to take my stand
Take my stand

Arise and go
The day is here
My mission before me
My purpose clear
Avenge my father
And spite my foe
Arise, arise, arise
Arise, arise, arise
And go

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