The Arab People Song

And now for more stereotypes that are obviously not true

We don't like tennis shoes, we wear sandals
And yeah, we have sex with goats and ride camels
I live in a desert in Abudabi
So I squat behind a cactus when I have to potty
Roll your tongue on the Rs
Whoops, drop the bomb
Allahu akhbar
I play the flute and snakes come out a jars
I called a flight, plane didnt get far

And you might not believe it man
But during the winter I ski in sand
And the TSA was like, man
How did you get out of Iraq?
I ran, damn

(Watch out, watch out)
Rashid's got a bomb
(Watch out, watch out)
Abdul Jabbar got a bomb
(Watch out, watch out)
Amir's got a bomb
(Watch out, watch out)
Malcolm X got a bomb

I'm a billionaire, check my Equifax
Always wearing turbans and beshi hats
An Arabian day in the life
See, I have ten leashes
One for each wife
And I have 10 bombs, one for each flight
That I put my wives on
They speak without permission then
Mommy look, there's a plane in the air
I swear, it was just there

We're all Muslim, salaam
And we all live in a cave, Saddam
We all eat lots of hummus, yum
My first website was

And you might not believe it man
But during the winter I ski in sand
And the TSA was like, man
How did you get out of Iraq?
I ran, damn

Watch out, watch out
Hussein got a bomb
Watch out, watch out
Ramir Ashid got a bomb
Watch out, watch out
Obama got a bomb
Watch out, watch out
Osama Bin Laden got a bomb
Well, not anymore

Don't touch my hat, it's sacred
I can make all my wives get naked
I have a phobia, I'm afraid of bacon
We need RPG, I can make it
We own mini marts and gas stations
But people buy beer to get wasted
9/11 victims, I take my

Woah, woah, woah
Dude, you don't- no
We don't say that
Wasted like 9/11 victims?
Fuck no, we don't say that shit in America!
You might say that shit over in,
Lebanon, Afghanistan, wherever the fuck you're from
But in America?
You'll get your ass killed out here, boy!

I'm sorry

Take that shit out the lyrics!
Right now, before I shove a cactus up your sandy ass
Right now, I ain't playin'!

I'm erasing it, I erased it

Throw the damn falafel in the trash and focus

It's gone, sir
I'm sorry

Cue the goddamn music

As the world waits for my plans to unfoil
During spring I jetski on oil
And I bombed all sorts of different places
And the TSA is the most racist
They be like

Watch out, watch out
Rashid's got a bomb
Watch out, watch out
Abdul Jabbar got a bomb
Watch out, watch out
Amir's got a bomb
Watch out, watch out
Malcolm X got a bomb
Watch out, watch out
Hussein got a bomb
Watch out, watch out
Ramir Ashid got a bomb
Watch out, watch out
Obama got a bomb
Watch out, watch out
Osama bin Laden got a bomb
Well, not anymore

Writer(s): Zachary Esters
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