Indian Summer's Last Stand

In the pale light of dust is
A dark mystical shape that
Is sitting across of me:
'I can't recognize what the heck'
Kinda face he is hiding
Questions not penetrating
He stays still and silence
Like a shadow of a tree

Stand by your Ground

His game of card - he readies
And suffles in the moonlight
Ever patient and so gentle:
'I believe I've recognized'
This still and silent shadow
His destiny, my destiny
Has gone into my mind
And is shuffling now my cards

Stand by your Ground
Indian Summer's Last Stand

He's handing me his cards, now
And lays them in my hand, so
I've recognizes this time:
'That the time has come to me'
To play his prepared games
And I'll see what it will bring me
'Cause now is the beginning
Of games with destiny

Stand by your Ground
Indian Summer's Last Stand

Writer(s): Thomas Keller, Anita Schellenberg, Volker Welle
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