Make Space (feat. Peter Moore)

Make Space
Make Space
Make Space
For a state of Grace
Don't you know your busy schedules is just a tool you use
It keeps you asleep
It prevents you from deepening into the arms of Love
But the truth is
The door to the house of Goddess stands open
And she's always her
Just waiting, hoping
That you will make
Some space
To take a break

To breath
To rest
From the mindless grind
Of the trap rat race for that face to face embrace
With Grace
So here is the question
Will you love learn Love's lesson
Can you pause and listen
Do you take a chance and make the choice
For that still small voice
Will you make a date with fate before she sighs
Too Late
And once again you realize
You've missed your chance
For that long, slow dance
With your demonic dream girl
And ones again you realize
Too Late...
Your whole mad world was just a whirl
A swirl along the surface of a future imperfect,
Tense, nervous, a headache, a fake of baked mistake
And you are only awake
Too Late...
As the lights go out, shouting
I am not done
I mean, I had some fun, but,
Surely there was more I could have been,
I've been asleep and dreaming.
And what's worse
I've been having nightmares
I missed the sunrise
I missed the day
My eyes stayed shut
I lost my way
And the last, last ray's
Of the setting sun, sink fast
Into the endless rest
Into the edgeless, restless ocean
Of unconsciousness.
There is so much beauty
So much beauty
So much, so .
How do we let duty
Take up so much time
It's a crime
So make Space
Make Space
Make Space now
Make Space
For that face to face embrace with Grace
She's waiting
Just anticipating
That you will call
To hear the good news
The Goddess loves You
You You
For you are all
The time is not a torture
Time is more like
A jewel to her
A ring around her finger.
So linger along
Relax and smile
Because eternity is in love with us
Productions of time
Switch off the phone
Tune in, turn on
And wake up!
No one will miss you
They've got their own issues
So many places to go
So many people to see
So many things to do
And so many facts to know.
Make Space
Make Space
Make Space now
Because you never know
When love's row's
Might come again
No you never know
When loves row's
And bloom again
Make Space
For that State of Grace
She is waiting ...

Writer(s): Estas Tonne
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