I Received the Living God

I received the living God,
and my heart is full of joy.
I received the living God,
and my heart is full of joy.

1 Jesus said: I am the bread
kneaded long to give you life;
you who will partake of me
need not ever fear to die.

2 Jesus said: I am the way,
and my Father longs for you;
so I come to bring you home
to be one with us anew.

3 Jesus said: I am the truth;
come and follow close to me.
You will know me in your heart,
and my word shall make you free.

4 Jesus said: I am the life
far from whom no thing can grow,
but receive this living bread,
and my Spirit you shall know.

Writer(s): Richard Proulx
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
