Great & Mighty (Instrumental Version)


Great and mighty are You Lord!
Blessed and holy is Your name!
Great and mighty are You Lord!
Great and mighty are You Lord!

Songs of praise we sing to You
Singing holy is Your name
Great and mighty are You Lord!
Great and mighty are You Lord!

Who is holy like You Lord?
Whose is righteous like Your name?
Great and mighty are You Lord!
Great and mighty are You Lord!

Who is holy like You Lord?
Whose is righteous like Your name?
Great and mighty are You Lord!
Great and mighty are You Lord!

Vast and mighty oceans sing
All of nature your praises ring
Great and mighty are You Lord!
Great and mighty are You Lord!

Sun and moon their voices lift
Birds and flowers spring in bliss
Great and mighty are You Lord!
Great and mighty are You Lord!

Signs and wonders, mighty deeds
Blessed miracles we see
Great and mighty are You Lord!
Great and mighty are You Lord!

Blind men see and lame men walk
Shouting, "Blessed is Your name"
Great and mighty are You Lord!
Great and mighty are You Lord

Bring your praises to our God
Lord of lords and King of kings
Loudest praises to our King!
Great and mighty are You Lord!

Bow the knees to Christ the King
King of kings and Lord of lords
He Who was and is to come
Welcome Jesus our King!

He that rose up from the grave
True, Eternal Life He gives
Here and in eternity
Jesus lives for evermore!

Here and in eternity
Jesus lives for evermore!

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