Shri Suktam - Mahalakshmi Gayatri

ॐ हिरण्यवर्णां हरिणीं सुवर्णरजतस्रजाम् ।
Hari Om. O Jatavedo, Invoke for me that Lakshmi,
who is of Golden Complexion,
Beautiful and Adorned with Gold and Silver Garlands.
चन्द्रां हिरण्मयीं लक्ष्मीं जातवेदो म आवह ॥१॥
Who is like the Moon with a Golden Aura, Who is Lakshmi,
the Embodiment of Sri; O Jatavedo, please Invoke for Me that Lakshmi.

तां म आवह जातवेदो लक्ष्मीमनपगामिनीम् ।
O Jatavedo, Invoke for Me that Lakshmi, Who does not Go Away,
यस्यां हिरण्यं विन्देयं गामश्वं पुरुषानहम् ॥२॥
By Whose Golden Touch,
I will Obtain Cattle, Horses, Progeny, and Servants.

अश्वपूर्वां रथमध्यां हस्तिनादप्रबोधिनीम् ।
O Jatavedo, Invoke for me that Lakshmi,
Who is Abiding in the Chariot of Sri (in the Middle) which is
driven by Horses in Front and Whose
Appearance is Heralded by the Trumpet of Elephants,
श्रियं देवीमुपह्वये श्रीर्मा देवी जुषताम् ॥३॥
Invoke the Devi who is the Embodiment of Sri Nearer
so that the Devi of Prosperity becomes Pleased with Me.

कां सोस्मितां हिरण्यप्राकारामार्द्रां ज्वलन्तीं तृप्तां तर्पयन्तीम् ।
O Jatavedo, Invoke for me that Lakshmi,
Who is Having a Beautiful Smile and Who is Enclosed by a Soft Golden
Glow; Who is eternally Satisfied and
Satisfies all those to whom She Reveals Herself,
पद्मे स्थितां पद्मवर्णां तामिहोपह्वये श्रियम् ॥४॥
Who Abides in the Lotus and has the Colour of the Lotus;
(O Jatavedo) Invoke that Lakshmi Here, Who is the Embodiment of Sri.

चन्द्रां प्रभासां यशसा ज्वलन्तीं श्रियं लोके देवजुष्टामुदाराम् ।
O Jatavedo, Invoke for me that Lakshmi,
Who is the Embodiment of Sri and Whose Glory Shines like the
Splendour of the Moon in all the Worlds;
Who is Noble and Who is Worshipped by the Devas.
तां पद्मिनीमीं शरणमहं प्रपद्येऽलक्ष्मीर्मे नश्यतां त्वां वृणे ॥५॥
I take Refuge at Her Feet, Who Abides in the Lotus; By Her Grace,
let the Alakshmi (in the form of Evil,
Distress, and Poverty) within and without be Destroyed.

आदित्यवर्णे तपसोऽधिजातो वनस्पतिस्तव वृक्षोऽथ बिल्वः ।
O Jatavedo, Invoke for me that Lakshmi,
Who is of the Colour of the Sun and Born of Tapas;
the Tapas which is like a Huge Sacred Bilva Tree,
तस्य फलानि तपसानुदन्तु मायान्तरायाश्च बाह्या अलक्ष्मीः ॥६॥
Let the Fruit of That Tree of Tapas Drive Away the Delusion and
Ignorance Within and the Alakshmi (in the
form of Evil, Distress and Poverty) Outside.

उपैतु मां देवसखः कीर्तिश्च मणिना सह ।
O Jatavedo, Invoke for me that Lakshmi,
By Whose Presence will Come Near me the Companions of the Devas
along with Glory (Inner Prosperity)
and various Jewels (Outer Prosperity),
प्रादुर्भूतोऽस्मि राष्ट्रेऽस्मिन् कीर्तिमृद्धिं ददातु मे ॥७॥
And I will be Reborn in the Realm of Sri (signifying Inner
Transformation towards Purity) which will
Grant me Inner Glory and Outer Prosperity.

क्षुत्पिपासामलां ज्येष्ठामलक्ष्मीं नाशयाम्यहम् ।
O Jatavedo, Invoke for me that Lakshmi) Whose Presence will Destroy
Hunger, Thirst and Impurity
associated with Her Elder Sister Alakshmi,
अभूतिमसमृद्धिं च सर्वां निर्णुद मे गृहात् ॥८॥
And Drive Away the Wretchedness and Ill-Fortune from My House.

गन्धद्वारां दुराधर्षां नित्यपुष्टां करीषिणीम् ।
O Jatavedo, Invoke for me that Lakshmi,
Who is the Source of All Fragrances, Who is Difficult to Approach,
Who is Always Filled with Abundance and leaves a
Residue of Abundance wherever She Reveals Herself.
ईश्वरींग् सर्वभूतानां तामिहोपह्वये श्रियम् ॥९॥
Who is the Ruling Power in All Beings;
(O Jatavedo) Please Invoke Her Here, Who is the Embodiment of Sri.

मनसः काममाकूतिं वाचः सत्यमशीमहि ।
O Jatavedo, Invoke for me that Lakshmi,
For Whom my Heart Truly Yearns and
to Whom my Speech Truly tries to Reach,
पशूनां रूपमन्नस्य मयि श्रीः श्रयतां यशः ॥१०॥
By Whose Presence will come Cattle,
Beauty and Food in my Life as (External) Prosperity and
Who will Reside (i.e. Reveal) in me as (Inner) Glory of Sri.

कर्दमेन प्रजाभूता मयि सम्भव कर्दम ।
O Kardama, Invoke for me your Mother,
As Kardama (Earth represented by Mud) acts as the substratum for the
Existence of Mankind, Similarly,
O Sage Kardama (the son of Devi Lakshmi) you Stay with me,
श्रियं वासय मे कुले मातरं पद्ममालिनीम् ॥११॥
And be the cause to bring your Mother to Dwell in My Family;
Your Mother who is the Embodiment of Sri and Encircled by Lotuses.

आपः सृजन्तु स्निग्धानि चिक्लीत वस मे गृहे ।
O Chiklita, Invoke for me your Mother,
As Chiklita (Moisture) Creates Loveliness in all things by its
presence, similarly,
O Chiklita (the son of Devi Lakshmi) you Stay with me,
नि च देवीं मातरं श्रियं वासय मे कुले ॥१२॥
And by your presence bring your Mother,
the Devi who is the Embodiment of Sri (and
essence of all Loveliness) to Dwell in my Family.

आर्द्रां पुष्करिणीं पुष्टिं पिङ्गलां पद्ममालिनीम् ।
O Jatavedo, Invoke for me that Lakshmi) Who is like the Moisture of a
Lotus Pond which Nourishes a Soul (with Her Soothing
Loveliness); and Who is Encircled by Light Yellow Lotuses,
चन्द्रां हिरण्मयीं लक्ष्मीं जातवेदो म आवह ॥१३॥
Who is like a Moon with a Golden Aura;
O Jatavedo, please Invoke that Lakshmi for me.

आर्द्रां यः करिणीं यष्टिं सुवर्णां हेममालिनीम् ।
O Jatavedo, Invoke for me that Lakshmi) Who is like the Moisture
(figuratively representing Energy) which Supports the Performance of
Activities; and Who is Encircled by Gold (Glow of the Fire of Tapas),
सूर्यां हिरण्मयीं लक्ष्मीं जातवेदो म आवह ॥१४॥
Who is like a Sun with a Golden Aura;
O Jatavedo, please Invoke that Lakshmi for me.

तां म आवह जातवेदो लक्ष्मीमनपगामिनीम् ।
O Jatavedo, Invoke for me that Lakshmi, Who does not Go Away,
यस्यां हिरण्यं प्रभूतं गावो दास्योऽश्वान् विन्देयं पूरुषानहम् ॥१५॥
By Whose Golden Touch I will obtain (i.e.
Sri will be manifested as) Abundant
Cattle, Servants, Horses, and Progeny.

महालक्ष्मी च विद्महे विष्णुपत्नी च धीमहि ।
May we Know the Divine Essence of Mahalakshmi by
Meditating on Her, who is the Consort of Sri Vishnu,
तन्नो लक्ष्मीः प्रचोदयात् ॥
Let That Divine Essence of Lakshmi Awaken our Spiritual Consciousness.

Writer(s): Traditional
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