
The earth is the Lord and the fullness thereof
The world and they that well dwell in
For he has powdered it upon the seas
And established it upon the flood
Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord
And who shall stand in His holy place
He that has clean hands and a pure heart
Who has not lifted his soul upon vanity or sworn deceitfully
He shall receive a blessing from the Lord
and righteousness from the God of his salvation
This is the generation of them that seek him
That seek thy face oh Jacob
Lift up your hands oh ye gates and be ye lifted up ye
everlasting doors
And the king of glory shall come in
Who is this King of glory
The Lord strong and mighty
The lord mighty in battle
Lift up your hands oh ye gates
And ye be lifted up
Everlasting doors
And the king
Did anybody come to worship The king can
you extend your hands towards the heavens

I worship you in the beauty of holiness
I lift my hands to you
For you are my righteousness
You are royalty
So I crown you king of kings
Your majesty, Your majesty

I worship you in the beauty of holiness
I lift my hands to you
For you are my righteousness
You are royalty
So I crown you king of kings
Your majesty, Your majesty

I reverence you
For only thou art holy
I bow to you
I'll forever feel thy glory
You are royalty
So I crown you king of kings

Oh, You are royalty
So I crown you king of kings

Oh, You are royalty
So I crown you king of kings
Your majesty, Your majesty

Writer(s): Steve Lawrence, Maurette Brown Clark, Marshall Carpenter
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