Battered Coast

Getting my mind set right for a clock round ride
Travel through time and sleep at the speed of night
Cutting through Paris, to the Atlantic and further on
The trip that I'm making I anticipated for weeks even months

My slowing internal clock adjusts to island time
The air becomes salty and the desolate landscapes widen
The Dutch brought the windmills and the black monks the dykes
I wait for low tide to travel the road that carries me on

Battered coasts
These battered coasts
They calm and sooth my battered soul
I walk the miles long sandy beaches
To oak lined bays through the 30 knot gales
These battered coasts and the rocky shores
Are calling me home

Getting to terms with this doing time by the sea
Lighthouses guarding, cold ocean surrounding me
Bar this iron mask it's just like Alcatraz
But when I get bored or crave terra firma I'm escaping to Nantes

Battered coasts
These battered coast
They calm and sooth my battered soul
I walk the jetties, dunes and marshes
Practice my own million miles stare
The battered coasts and rocky shores
Aren't letting me go

Spending the off season on the isle of Noirmoutier
Spending the off season on the isle of Noirmoutier
Spending the off season on the isle of Noirmoutier
Spending the off season on the isle of Noirmoutier

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