
God I've let u down so many times
I've messed up fallen short of your glory
I just wanna be better...

I wait until I'm down to nothing
to talk to you again
I've had so many chances

But I was busy doing other things
trying to write my own story
but im quickly realizing
that I am only the paper and you are the pen

Author write me better
Potter mold mr better
Constructer re-build me better
Maker, make me better

I tried and i fell so many times
cheated, lied tried to fix my life
but You are the only one who can take my
wash me in your blood, call me clean
make my wrong righteousness

Author write me better
Potter mold me better
Constructor re-build me better
Maker, make me better

Please bend me and shape me in your will
Lord give me directions ill follow them
Im broken lord please fix me lord ill keep still
Im empty please fill me up with purpose

Author write me better
Potter mold me better
Constructer re-build me better
Maker, make me better

Usually I come to you for material things
but today God i'ts not about a car i'ts not
about a house, it's not about money
Im just asking for one simple thing
Lord I just wanna be better
I want my ways to be more like ya, I want my
actions to be like ya. I want the things that
come out of my mouth to be more like ya.

I just wanna be better X4

Writer(s): Latice Crawford
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