Almost Perfect

In her favorite dream every cunt's a queen
In his favorite dream every cock's a king

I live a life of solitary sweetness, it's a life that's simple and clean
All I really want to do is please them
All I ask is stay in the dream All I ask is stay inside my dream

What's your favorite dream?

I make them see me the way they want me to be
Some people like cruel lovers
Some like giving lovers
Some like permissive
Some like strong
The diversitiy of desire is endless
The beauty of it, the exquisite beauty is the world that creates
It's a perfect thing that world
A magic place, a special place
A just for the two of us place
Sometimes it feels like it can go on forever but it never does
No matter what they say in the beginning
No matter how much they love their husbands or their boyfriends or their wifes or kids or whatever
They eventually want more

More than I can give
More than they should have
And it's over

No they never stay inside your dream
No they never stay inside the dream
They never, never stay inside the dream
No they never stay inside my dream

Writer(s): Homer Flynn, Hardy Winfred Fox
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