Tower of Fear

You're spending all days and nights
Without the meaning of life
So do you think about the things that you did?

Are you the master of fate
Who directs your every day
Or you're just a victim of accidental events?

Now try to see
Wake up and start to live!

Another world of the perfect dream
Standing out of lies
We'll try to live destroying this Tower
Another world we all need to build
There will be no cry
We'll try to live destroying this Tower of Fear

Let's join together and try
To refine the world with our light
Let's try to wake up all the fallen asleep people

We have truth at our side
We're here to make everything right
We won't admit the lie

They tell us the same old story
Time will tell us what is real
And right now we won't repeat mistakes we've done
Together we will come to another free eternity

Open up your eyes
And see the things around you
See the world in front of you
Listen to your soul and heart
And make all evil go away

Another world
Out of insanity
We'll try to live destroying this Tower

Another world
Out of brutality
We'll try to live destroying this Tower of Fear

Writer(s): Sunrise Sunrise, K. V. Naumenko
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