No Emoji

No emoji (no emoji)
No emoji found
No emoji (no emoji)
No emoji Found

If things are sad, there's crying eyes that I can choose
And when I am mad, a mean orange face that I can use
And if it's cool, I throw some shades upon a face
And if surprised, there's big wide eyes to put in place

A happy day could be a rainbow or a grin
It just depends on how I feel that day within
But when it comes to you, my thumbs can't sum
There's no emoji to be found for how I feel when you're around
(No emoji)

Because you took
Because you took
Because you took my emojis and wound them up
Because you took my emojis and bound them up
Because you took my emojis and mashed them up
And I'm not sure how I feel
If no emoji, is it real?

To celebrate, there's clapping hands and there are horns
And if frustrated, there's a face that wears a scorn
A frowning face can emphasize when I am blue
And enough pictures to describe a whole damn zoo

A happy day could be a rainbow or a grin
It just depends on how I feel that day within
But when it comes to you, my thumbs can't sum
There's no emoji to be found for how I feel when you're around
(No emoji)

Because you took
Because you took
Because you took my emojis and wound them up
Because you took my emojis and bound them up
Because you took my emojis and mashed them up
And I'm not sure how I feel
If no emoji, is it real?

No emoji, no emoji found
No emoji, no emoji found
No emoji, no emoji found
No emoji, no emoji found
No emoji found
No emoji found

Writer(s): Gia Angela Lozicki
Lyrics powered by
