O' Caritas

Hunc ornatum mundi nolo perdere - (this ornament of the world I do not want to lose)
Video flagrare omnia res - (I see all things burning)
Audio clamare homines - (I hear people shouting)

Nunc exstinguitur mundi et astrorum lumen - (now the light of the world and the stars is put out)
Nunc concipitur mali hominis crimen - (now is exposed the accusation of man's evil)
Tristitate et lacrimis gravis est dolor - (with sadness and tears heavy is the grief)
De terraeque maribus magnus est clamor - (from the lands and the seas great is the noise)
O caritas, o caritas nobis semper sit amor - (O caritas, o caritas, may we always have love)

Nos perituri mortem salutamus - (we who are about to die salute death)
Sola resurgit vita - (only life reappears)

Nunc exstinguitur mundi et astrorum lumen - (now the light of the world and the stars is put out)
Nunc concipitur mali hominis crimen - (now is exposed the accusation of man's evil)
Tristitate et lacrimis gravis est dolor - (with sadness and tears heavy is the grief)
De terraeque maribus magnus est clamor - (from the lands and the seas great is the noise)
O caritas, o caritas nobis semper sit amor - (O caritas, o caritas, may we always have love)

Nos perituri mortem salutamus - (we who are about to die salute death)
Sola resurgit vita - (only life reappears)

Ah, this world is burning fast
Oh, this world will never last
I don't want to lost it here in my time
Give me time forever here in my time

Writer(s): Yusuf Islam, Andreas Toumazis, Jeremy Randall Taylor
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
