Big Picture

I'll have a mocha caramel latte-chino
Made with skim milk, no whipped cream
Please put that in a grande cup
But use the same amount of coffee that you'd put into a tall
That way there's about an inch of extra room on top
To stir in my own nutmeg without spilling any coffee at all
What do you want?

I'll have a tea.

What kind?

Just. Tea?

He'll have your green Darjeeling tea,
Which I'm sure you know cannot be
steeped for more than ninety-five seconds.
Shall we?
So, what's your deal?

My what?

Your deal. What are you about?

Well, I'm about five foot five, I guess.
You really don't find me funny at all.

Funny, yes. Amusing, no.
But seriously, Warren, I want to know.
Describe to me your big picture

Well, there's this Picasso

Don't start.
Everyone's got a big picture.
Something they shoot for that sets them apart.
We've all got an awful lot to do before we're dead.
So, where do you see yourself in, say, five years?

I haven't thought that far ahead.

Are you gonna be serious?

Do I have to.
Well. I work for an artist.

Tell me what you do.

I don't know, I watch his cat.
And this morning I fixed his curtain rod.

Sure, okay, that pays the rent
But that is not exactly what I meant
When I asked to hear your big picture
Something beyond your daily routine
Talk about your big picture
The fairy tale ending that you've always seen
I am sure there's something more to you than doing chores
Everyone's got a big picture in mind

So, what's yours?

Well, since you asked.
In five years I'll have an amazing apartment
With bookshelves built into the walls
A window that looks out on someplace big
And a personal assistant who screens my calls
The book I write will be required reading
To get into the seminars that I'll be leading
That's the plan, as far as I can see it.
And yet it isn't quite apparent what I'm supposed to do to get it.
Some big picture.
How's your tea?

My what?

Your tea?

Oh, it's sort of... gotten cold.

These stupid baristas don't know how to heat a proper –

Deb, it's really okay.
Look, I know that we just met.
But it seems to me that maybe you might wanna get
Some perspective on this big picture
Big, after all, is a relative term.
Maybe this whole big picture
Shouldn't be something on which you stand firm
You're in a rut, who cares, so what?
If your picture's not quite clear.
I mean, you and me and lukewarm tea.
This could be your really big picture right here.

Oh my God, you're right.


Sitting here at Starbucks drinking mediocre coffee with a
professional cat sitter is all my life is going to amount to.

That's not really what I meant.

No, it's okay, I'm a strong woman, I can handle it.
Oh my God, what time is it?
I have to go.

Where are you going, Claire?

You don't have to go.

Please don't –

Claire, stop.

Yes, I do, I'm late for my appointment.

Not now.

Deb, there's something I want to show you.

You can't just leave me in the rain
and hope that things will wash away.

I can't. Not now. Yes, later, Warren. I promise, later, Warren.

Promise me. Would you just then. Don't you want to -
Jesus, Claire.
Where are you going, Claire?
Can't you just talk to me, Claire?

Writer(s): Adam Gwon
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