First Take

A child girl
An older brother, a younger brother
An alphabet spoken at home, different alphabet spoken outside home
Aromatic Indian and Middle Eastern cuisine
Melodious songs and movies
Temples and churches alongside mosques
Christians, Parsis, and Shias married in the family

A teenage girl
American pop culture
Dreams of saving the whales and dolphins
Wears peace sign earrings and pendants
Poverty, oppression, and wars
Travels to India, Europe, Africa, and America

A young woman
A mother, a doctor
Loves the serenity in churches
The devotions in temples
The "ohm" of yogis
The oneness of humanity in the hajj
Rejected the sermons and speeches in Arabic, English, and Hindi
That told her to hate the other

A woman
Followed her heart
Reads the Bible, reads the Qur'an
And wants to read the Bhagavad Gita

A woman in love
With different versions of the alphabet
With different hues of human skin
With different dresses
With different foods
With different prayers
With different rituals
With different thoughts
With different humors

The mature woman
Her life has been a walk through beautiful prairies and forests
With trees, flowers, birds
Critters of different colors, shapes, and scents
And she is in love with all of it

Writer(s): Reef Antonio Loretto
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