Live Every Day

Man, you gotta live every day

Tell somebody that you love 'em
Sell what you don't need
Call up a old friend now
Do a good deed
Fix that old car, man, that you
Love so much
Go for a walk in the country
Take a picnic lunch

Live every day like it's the
Last one of your life
One of these days
Brother, you gonna be right

Get in your car, man
Drive from coast to coast
See which one of those towns
That you dig the most
Throw yourself a house party
Invite everybody you know
Stop and smell the roses
Take things nice and slow

Live every day like it's uh
The last one of your life
One of these days
Brother, you gonna be right


Put somethin' away
For a rainy day
Man, you might live to be
A ripe old age
But then again, maybe
Later than you think
Come next week
You could be extinct

Now ask that woman out
Man, you got nothin' to lose
The worst thing could happen
Your ego might get bruise
Pick up that ol' guitar
Sittin' there collectin' dust
Go on a blues cruise
Go into debt if you must

You gotta live every day
Like it's the last one of your life
One of these days
Brother, you gonna be right

I ain't lyin'

Writer(s): Thomas Eugene Castro
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