Devi Chant

Jayanti Mangalaa Kaalee Bhadrakaalee kapaalinee
Durgaa Kshaamaa Shiwaa Dhaatree Swaahaa Swadhaa Namostu Te
Swaadhaa Swadhaa Namostu Te
I bow to Jayanti, the Ever-Victorious one),
Mangala (Who is the bestower of Auspiciousness),
Kali (Who is beyond Kala or Time),
Bhadrakali (Who is the controller of Life and Death,
being beyond Kala or Time), Kapalini (Who wear a Garland of Skulls),
2.2: Salutations to Durga (Who destroys suffering),
Shiva (Who is Ever-Auspicious Kshama (Who is an embodiment of
Dhatri (Who is the Supporter of all Beings), Swaha, Swadha.
Yaa Devi sarva bhooteshu, vishnumaayeti shabditaa
Namastasyai namastasyai namastasyai namo namaha
namastasyai namoh namaha
I bow again and again in reverence to the Devi who
lives in every being and is known by the name Vishnu Maya.
Yaa Devi sarva bhuteshu, shakti roopena samstitaa
Namastasyai namastasyai namastasyai namo namaha
namastasyai namoh namaha
I bow again and again in reverence to the
goddess who is present lives in all beings as energy.
Sarva swaaroope sarveshe, sarva shaakti samanvite
Bhaye bhaastrahino Devi, Durge Devi namo stu te
O Godess Durga, You are the supreme form, the supreme Deity,
Please Protect Us from Fear, O Devi; I bow to You
Hey Ma Durga Hey Ma Durga

Writer(s): Jeff Kagel
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