Drain the Heavens

The walls shook as it came
The nails in the frames
A million years intact
This city breathed its last
Your hand reached out for mine
In fear or in goodbye
The other gripped the flame
The makeshift torch we made

The light behind us shone
The hallways of our home
We fled with gasping lungs
But still not fast enough
You pushed me through the door
I saw you lift the torch
Not towards the clutching thing
But the doorframe at my feet

If you are lost, then I am lost without you
This is a horror beyond fear
Pull down the sun
The sky bereft and monstrous
Drain the heavens of their tears

The fire took the door
Insatiable and pure
My final glimpse of you
Before you sealed the tomb
The fingers on your leg
My future dragged away
I wept and beat the frame
The blackened wood remained

If you are lost, then I am lost without you
This is a horror beyond fear
Pull down the sun
The sky bereft and monstrous
Drain the heavens of their tears

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