Snowy Day

Hey, it's a snowy day
It's cold outside, the ground is white
And I don't know why it looks so neat
But I'll try not to be bitter
'Cause I'm not very fond of cold
I like it when it's warm in the summer when there's no chance of
It's just a preference of weather

The roots are blocked
There's nothing I can do
All I've got is to spend all day in my room
And that's what I already do

Hey, it's a snowy day
I might just say inside
Look out my window, watch snowflakes drifting by
It's not like I'll remember
The day the blizzard showed its face
To give a little change, shift
The winter landscape always looks the same every December

The roots are blocked
There's nothing I can do
All I've got is to spend all day in my room
And that's what I already do

But, hey, it's a snowy day
I might as well just go outside
Enjoy it while I still can
'Cause it won't be freezing forever
It's okay, if it's a snowy day
I'll just go put on my coat and take a walk anyway
It ain't worth it for me to be bitter

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