Thank You (Workout Remix)

Thank you, thank you, thank you
Thank you for this day
Thank you for every moment that led to this day
Thank you for the hard times, they made me appreciate the good times
Thank you for the lessons, they were needed for my development
Thank you for my eyes that get to witness the miracles of today and tomorrow

Thank you for everything I take for granted
Thank you for all my blessings
Thank you for my drive, thank you for my spirit
Thank you for my strength
Thank you for giving me the courage to fight through the hard times
Thank you for the people in my life
Those I love and those I learn from
Thank you for it all, thank you

"Thank you," it's the key that opens the door to instant happiness
Unlocks the door to everything we are really seeking in life
Happiness and contentment, think about it
No matter what you say you want
Money, riches, health, to help others
Why do you really want it?

When you drill deep down
The only reason anyone wants any thing
Is the feeling we believe we will get from having it
That all boils down to happiness and contentment
And the truth is we can have it now if we are grateful
And if you get quiet
Get away from the noise of the world
And think for a moment about what you could be grateful for
I'm sure you could find plenty

Be grateful there is food on the table
Air in your lungs, life in your body
Get grateful that you have opportunity
Opportunity to take your life to a whole 'nother level
To decide right now that you are going to live your dreams and never settle until you do

Get grateful for the mental strength you have been given to survive the hard times
Get grateful for your limbs if you have them, many are not so blessed
Your eye sight of you have it, many are not so blessed
Your hearing if you have it many are not so blessed
The health you do have, many are in worse positions

Get grateful for that one person that has had an impact in your life
Or many people if you are so blessed
Then get grateful you can choose to be that person for someone else
That one that makes a difference in someone else's life, no matter how small
Get grateful you get to experience this magical universe

Today, look for miracles, I guarantee if you are looking you will see them
There is unlimited things to be grateful for
Open your eyes, unlock your amazing life
It's ready for you right now

Thank you for this day, whatever it brings
Whether a challenge I need to grow
A line up to teach me patience
An unexpected blessing, every moment of joy
Whatever today brings, thank you

Whatever it brings I pray I have enough presence in each moment
To know that no circumstance is my life
No high or low, no event, no thing is my life
Life is energy and I know I'm so much more than my physical body

Thank you for my ability to love
To give to others my authentic love and kindness without expecting anything in return
Thank you for my strength, thank you for my presence
Thank you for my ability to attract only the things
And people that are in harmony with what I need in my life
Thank you, thank you, thank you for this day
Whatever it brings

Writer(s): Nicholas Macri
Lyrics powered by
