Battle Won or Lost

Heading into darkest night
Ready for the coming fight
Knowing not, who will live or die

We know our army's cause is right
We hope we will win the night
The fates are surly on our side

Sharped sword and battle axe
Weapons that will demonstrate
Our willingness to kill and fight

Many have come to our cause
Rallied for the righteous way
We will kill the enemies tonight

Battle starts and now we see
Our numbers are the same as thee
We have no way to dominate this fight

That ok, for we are right.
We still will win this fight
We'll kill so much the rest will run away

Our confidence is clear to see
They have no path to victory
No chance they have to win this day

I wait me turn to charge the fray
Wait my turn to win the day
Chomping at the bit all the way

My turn comes, I charge right in
Take my axe and dive it in
To the first enemy my way

Then I feel a sudden blow
Blood from me it start to flow
Fatal is my wound, I have no chance

Was my sacrifice in vain
Or did my Death help take the day
Never will I know for I am dead

Writer(s): Ronald Dorn
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