Actor's Monologue

I'm trapped in this body
I can't get out
When I'm alone
I look in the mirror
My genitals mean nothing to me
When I'm around others
That's when I get reminded that I'm a woman
Being a woman doesn't mean anything to me
You can't expect people to behave on behalf of their gender
It's too easy
I don't want to take the role of a fantasy
It's not my responsibility
I don't want to be treated differently because of my body
The body is a trap
A physical matter
But the mind is something else
The mind is flexible
We put terrible pressure on our minds when we harden our views
We lose sight
We lose the softness that makes for real belonging
To the judgmental eye
Everything is closed in definitive frames
When the judgmental eye looks out
It sees things in terms of lines and squares
It excludes and separates man
But you can't separate what belongs together
Indifference is necessary for power
When you become indifferent
You give all your power away
You become normal
Normal is a system of oppression
Normal is an act of violence
It's threatened by individuality
Normal is the language of external authority
But you are your own authority
You can't give yourself away
You can't become an exile in your own life
You have total freedom of the choices that you make
You're either conscious of that
Or you're dead in your own existence

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