Deceiver of the Blind

How art thou fallen from heaven
O Lucifer son of the morning
How art thou cut down to the ground
Which didst weaken the nations
For thou hast said in thine heart
I will ascend into heaven
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God
I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation
In the sides of the north
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds
I will be like the most High

Born like the son of God
Son of God
My looks only are deceiving
I'm rotten at the core
And you know what I seem
And I too have lost paradise
Paradise, paradise

Take my hand and question me not
Look within me
Glance at my heart
You'll see no soul
I'm a demon
Risen by sin
Risen by sin

Only time can tell
All the pain you'll see
The time has come for all to see
To be all you claim to be

Did they promised only lies
Upon blue skies never found
Great answers always left unclear
But I promise you more than such lies
A paradise never lost for mankind

Believe in deliverance
When there's none
I see black within thy soul
You're blinded by sin
Yet your future you foresee
The eye of the blind will bleed
The sinner bites the apple and claims to be pure
You're my puppets in strings
With no escape under my control

Take my hand and question me not
Look within me
Glance at my heart
You'll see no soul
I'm a demon
Risen by sin

Open your eyes and gaze at my soulless heart
Life is not yet over
When times die
And mankind falls
You won't be forgotten
Cry for help
As times end and
I'll show you reality

Writer(s): William Michael Angelico
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