Sarve Shaam (Live)

Om Sarve shaam Svasthi Bhavatu
Sarve shaam Shaantir Bhavatu
Sarve shaam Purnam Bhavatu
Sarve shaam Mangalam Bhavatu

Om Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah
Sarve santu Niraamayaah
Sarve Bhadraani Pashyantu
Maa Kashchit Duhkhabhahg Bhavet


(Hello, welcome)
(Thank you for coming)
(We're here to celebrate)
(The life and music of George Harrison)

(This is a blessed occasion for me)
(Because, I can share my love of George, with you)
(And, I think, most important of it all)
(Is that his wife, Olivia, and his son, Dhani)
(Can experience, and witness, how much we loved him)
(Through his music, tonight, so thank you for coming)

(At this point, I like to introduce)
(One of my great heroes, "The Maestro", Ravi Shankar)

(Thank you, Eric)
(Dear friends, I strongly feel that George is here tonight)
(I mean, how can he not be here?)
(When all of us, who loved him so much)
(Had assembled all together, to sing for him)
(To play music for him)
(I'm sure, he's here, thank you)

Writer(s): Ravi Shankar, Trad
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