Send Me Your Love

"Take three!"
"Hi, I'm Tanya, umm, I play lacrosse and my favorite animal is the turtle"
"Hi, I'm Rickie, I play track and I'm asian"
"Hi, my name is Josiah, um, I rap and I don't like Takis, so... We're gonna sing for you"
"Here we go!"

Send me your love, send me your love
Send me your love, send me your love
Send me your love when you're scared
Send me your love, I'll be there
Send me your love, nothing can keep you from me
So let's wait and see what we gon' be

Lord God
So many times I've messed up
You're still right here when I feel my fears begin again to rise up
And I don't know why You stick with me
And I don't know what You did to me
'Cause this didn't used to be real to me
But I know You filling my cup
I know that Your breath is here in my lungs
I know that Your Spirit makes my blood pump
I know my heart is filled with these lies I tell myself day-in and day-of
The day You come back's the day I dream of
Until then, nightmares swallow me up
They swallow me whole
They eat me from inside to out
I'm inside the mouth of sin, get me out
I've been meaning to call, I don't pick up the phone much
When we talk, man, I think we both blush
You ain't heard me in a minute, I been in it, the thick of it
I'ma need to call more, You my own crutch
And I don't mean to take advantage of that
You know me best, I've been managing that
I like to be in control, but God I'll give You the ropes
If You gon' lead me to victory
Man, I hope that I know that means we won't touch down
Until we've been through some hard times
I just really hate going through hard times
I want a girl that I can give the world to, but it's okay if that takes time
I guess the road less traveled got stop signs, got road work, got long lines
I'm just glad I know I got somebody watching from above
God, lend me Your hand
God, send me Your love

"I also play the microphone, you know..."
"Remember that?"

Send me your love, send me your love
Send me your love, send me your love
Send me your love when you're scared
Send me your love, I'll be there
Send me your love, nothing can keep you from me
So let's wait and see what we gon' be

"Chica... stop taking selfies"
"She's taking a selfie"

Back to the start
Back to the part
Before I made music, before I made excuses
Before I ran to the comfort of any melody
When I just wrote poems in my room - with You
When I was scared of my tombs - with You
When I was scared of seeing my wounds - with You
I don't know if I can go back to that
But let's factor that into my indiscretions
'Cause it's been tough, yes
And it's been rough, of course
Trying to be something I'm not like so many others
We run after dreams and sights
Without even a thought of how our life was bought
And paid without us ever having to ask
And again, I don't know if I'm up for that task
Spending my life selling dreams because I just wanted to bask
In the shadow of those sun beams
What does it matter?
I think I forgot how to run fast back to You
Back to what is true
Back to that boy named Sue
That part of myself that's been gone for a while
Lost in the wind while I waited to see the lights
So I packed up my fights in the back corner of that closet
Before I missed how to grow for You, with You, and how to show You my heart
'Cause I've been checking the mailbox and it looks empty, but I put the flag up
'Cause I know
You'll send me
Your love

Send me your love, send me your love
Send me your love, send me your love
Send me your love when you're scared
Send me your love, I'll be there
Send me your love, nothing can keep you from me
So let's wait and see what we gon' be

"Now presenting: Rickie, Tanya, and Josiah... Send Me Your Love!"

Writer(s): Josiah Davis
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