
No one ever calls to see if I'm okay Even if I'm Not nobody would Come over anyways
Left to my own devices,
I'm slippin' and I'm slidin' right Back into the Same old shit that put Me here
Sometimes I hurt myself and I Drink until There's nothing left
Then I take those pills, they Assured me would Help

But then I feel a whole lot worse, Cause I can't Forgive you for going First
And I miss you more than words Can say
I know you know I love you

Once upon a time I had a friend Who was Always there when I Needed him

He'd drive for miles just to stop in And say hi
He had plans and he had goals, he Was also Really baller at old school Nintendo
And one day he was gonna move To Japan
There was a time when we took a Strip and we Drove to the Playground and we vandalized it

And I'd never seen a bigger smile On his face
He was the only one who stuck Around Through the addiction, the Abuse and the Aftermath
And he swore to me that I was Better than That
He said
I know you know I love you

The day came and he messaged me An he said Hey what's up are you Free
It's been a while, we should really Meet up
I didn't know what a mistake I Made when I Said I can't man not Today
Cause that's the last thing I ever Said to him

He took some shit I don't know What
Cause I never ever got the guts to Go visit him
Cause that would make it real
Hell I've never even been to his Grave

Cause I'm still pissed off about the Way that He left me here all alone
But I know you know I love you
Sometimes I have a dream where We are Sitting on my couch when We were 18
In my awful apartment that Smelled like mold

His cast is gone and his wounds Are healed so We don't have Anywhere to get more pills
So we swear him off and we just Move away
And we're both happy and we both Are free From the pain and the Addiction
And the awful things that happened to us Since we were Those kids

But I wake up and I start to cry Cause there's No one to talk to
Since my best friend died so I just Lie there
But I know you know I love you

Writer(s): Tessa Plank
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
