And Singers and Prophets

It's the way I say things sometimes that hurts other people's feelings
It's the way I say things sometimes that makes them wonder if I even care
But I do care
I really do
I'm just afraid
Afraid of the impressions that I've made and making the same mistakes
And acting fake
My mind just won't stop thinking about the pain that I caused
And what the right thing to do was
I think about that a lot
And if I can ever get my past back. Sometimes I wish I could...
But I can't
Why can't you just accept me for who I am? I'm sorry for who I was back then
It can't be over
We'll miss all the fun

It's not the work I did
But the work I haven't done that makes me wonder
Where the day has gone
It seems like yesterday that we were both just kids and it really didn't matter what either of us did
Because I know I could get it right if only I had the time
I'm just not good at expressing myself and the way that I feel
Because I've been hurt
And I still have a long way to heal
Or maybe I am healed and it just left a scar, a sign
And a mark
Something that says where I from, how I was raised
And how far I've come

But you act like the person I am is not the person I should be. And I'll tell you something
It used to bother me
But then I started thinking for myself
And I stopped wishing I was somebody else
You see
Is open for interpretation
And so is what to do in any situation
We forget there is no one true method
And all we know is what's generally accepted. And as much as I try
I just don't get it
I know it doesn't appear like I'm doing anything. I'm 27
And I don't really know where my life is going
I can't afford
Much more
Than gas in my car
And I used that gas to explore the open road I really didn't know
Where I would go
When I left my life

To find my home
I was cold
And I was alone
And I found answers to most of my questions
I found courage
And I found what real work is
I found that I was actually good something: one thing
And I found a place with people like me: With writers and poets
And singers and prophets
So you see
I do want to be accepted
I really do
I do want to be accepted
Just not by you
Not by someone who believes what you do. The thing is
You don't have to like everything
About everyone

But you do have to show them love

That's it

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