
I feel like my brain is melting
I feel like I'm going crazy
I feel like I took too much
I'm tripping balls oh whoopsie daisy
I feel like I'm on a different planet
And I'm never landing
I cant feel my hands and I can feel my legs
No control my fuckin thoughts and I can't even talk
I need to get out of this room and just go for a walk
These shrooms are fuckin crazy what's going on with my brain
And then I walked out of the everything changed

Wow everything is so beautiful
Who are you?
I'm mister mushroom man
What are you doing here
I'm here to take you through your trip
Where are we going first
I'm gonna take you to mushroom mountain
Where was I before
You were in paranoia island that's not a fun place to be
So follow me
This place is amazing
I'm happy you like it Devon
I wish I could stay here forever mister mushroom man
I wish you could too but youre gonna be coming down very soon
I think it's time for you to go back home
Aw okay thanks mister mushroom man
I'm sure I'll see you again devon
Bye now

Writer(s): Devon Smith
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