Night Bird's Song (Live)

One day we'll all get together
gather around the fire, together!
watch the nature renew

We'll get along,
wilderness won't do us harm,
the song of night birds will call on
reminding us that all is one

Saying whooo, forget the worry and sorrow,
whooo... there's no yesterday and no tomorow,
there's only here and now
that's all you need to know...

Off guard we roam
but they come where we stand
desecrate our land,
descendants of an anger,
they're worn in a lie,
the builders of the wall...
we sat on the mountain
clearly could see
they're making a dungeon,
we'll protect us to the end,
won't let them bring their darkness
into our home.

They stand alone
their aims are known,
the way they act upon the nature, said it,
why would they want it all,
all is connected one with another
other way it doesn't go.
why would they ruin it all,
but they don't get it
it is them who are damaged,
the harm they are doing
the nature will cure
and all shall repair itself,
intruders will go,
all can cure it self...

Look at how she mend
order they try to offend
forever God's Will owns the throne
they're trying to ascend...

The strongest tree is not the tallest
but the one which can bend,
no matter what they do
they can not hide the truth
they reached a dead end...

Look at how she mend
order they try to offend
forever God's Will owns the throne
they're trying to ascend.

Say whooo, forget the worry and sorrow
whooo... there's no yesterday and no tomorow,
there's only here and now
that's all you need to know...

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