Insane Beliefs

As a herd crawl like worms in decay
All blinded by insane beliefs
Following like lambs, with no will to be
Seeking paradise after death

Inexistent paradise
To walk alongside your fucking god
For eternity
Insane beliefs

Humiliate, mortify, flagellate
Your sadistic fucking self

Blinded by lies
Unwilling to think and be
Why are you here? Serving gods will?
Death liberates from misery

In the name
Of your insane beliefs
In the name
Of your disgusting gods

Haunted by guilt and shame
Pathetic human existence
Is suffering the true meaning of life?
Kneeling to false gods, insane beliefs

In the name
Of your insane beliefs
In the name
Of your disgusting gods

May death end your futile existence
I'm here to free you
Burn your miserable faith
And embrace reality

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