Nowhereland (Acoustic)

Can't you hear them
Screaming out there
Can't you see them
Crying all night long

Can't you feel them
The bombs out there
Took their houses
And everything away

I've been sleeping
And dreaming
Of a place called

I've been hoping
That one day
This dream and place
Will come true

Can't you hear them
Complaining out there
The rich old guys
Above our heads

Can't you see them
Crying all night long
Because their dogs
Passed away

I've been sleeping
And dreaming
Of a place called

I've been hoping
That one day
This dream and place
Will come true

*da da da da da da da da*
*da da da da da da da da*
*da da da da da da da da da da*

*da da da da da da da da*
*da da da da da da da da*
*da da da da da da da da da da*

Nowhere, there are no guns
Nowhere, there is no war
Nowhere, there are no bombs

Nowhere, there are no guns
Nowhere, there is no war
Nowhere, there are no bombs

I've been sleeping
And dreaming
Of a place called

I've been hoping
That one day
This dream and place
Will come true

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