Don't (Rebooted Mix)

Ah ah ah ah
A virus has been detected
My computer might be infected
Don't shut down
Don't turn off
Don't Don't Don't Don't

Why do they need my date of birth
What's e-billing really worth
Don't transfer me
Don't put me on hold
Don't Don't Don't Don't

Why's my card been blocked, again
I can't stand your automated voice system
Don't over-charge me
Don't disregard me
Don't Don't Don't Don't

My network connection has been denied
And my postcode's not recognised
Don't credit check me
Don't subscribe me
Don't Don't Don't Don't

Don't give me Reward Points
Don't want to update Java
Don't ask me register
Don't have an authorisation code
Don't need data whilst roaming
Don't want to set a password
Don't give me your premium number
Don't have another login name
Don't want to see my balance
Don't need your Newsfeed or Timeline
Don't want a Crime Reference number
Don't have an expiry date

It's giving me an error message
Can I un-tick the insurance package
Don't beep at me
Don't crash on me
Don't Don't Don't Don't

Don't want to have a two year contract
Don't know my last ten transactions
Don't want to connect with a mutual friend
Don't search me for explosives
Don't default format my document
Don't say I need to come back next week
Don't tell me that the memory's full
Don't ask me security questions
Don't say my ticket's no longer valid
Don't tell me to just calm down
Don't want to take a rail replacement bus
Don't say
It's been deleted

Writer(s): Camilla Corinna Mathias
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