Little Menace

Devil: So what I reckon is yeah, we go in there and
we smash up everything, take all that we need and
then burn the place down and then jet init.
Angel: What do you mean burn the place down and
jet? Nah man I'm nice you know!
Devil: What do you mean you're nice, who are you?
Angel: Well I'm the angel, so you must be the devil.
Me: Oi what is wrong with you guys in my head.
Angel: Don't worry about it, I'll take care of him for
If you fighting yourself
And you beat yourself down
If you find that you do
Find your feet and stand proud
Twist the plot on yourself
Lift your soul you're now found
Look yourself in your face
And swear you got it from now
I swear I got it right now
Yeah fam yo
I swear I got it right now
I got this sick little menace inside of me
Takes over completely entirely
Can't control or contain the irony
No revelry it's self-piracy
He steps inside of my privacy
It's light and dark and quite discreet
Nuff don't believe when I'm skinning teeth
That I'm fighting a war for my inner peace
Internal combustion me on me
Everyday and it's all full of grief
I fight the pain and find belief
Stand firm and I hold my steez
No relief no smoking leaf
I'm both side's captain and chief
Police and thief in the middle of the beef
I'm chasing myself and I got to beat me now
When the pressure builds up
And you feel like you're ready to erupt
Cos the heat inside you conducts
Middle fingers high no front
That's just to wake yourself up
Find new ways to go construct
Open your problems draw for the truck
Steamroll them flatten then done
When the devil and the Angel
Fight on your shoulder it's only them to confront
It's only you they try cut
They want to rinse you out and corrupt
Then disrupt that leads to mistrust
Scattered like ashes and dust
And the matters all inside us
It's up to you just spark them and bust

Writer(s): Gareth Hue, Mark Alexander
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